Java Machine Learning Course

    Python Machine Learning Course.
    Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Python
    Our Style: Hands-on, Practical
    Location: Online, Instructor-led
    Duration: 3 hours
    Pre-requisites: Basic Python Skills

Python Machine Learning Course

Python Machine Learning algorithms can derive trends (learn) from data and make predictions on data by extrapolating on existing trends. Companies can take advantage of this to gain insights and ultimately improve business.

Using Python Machine Learning scikit-learn, practice how to use Python Machine Learning algorithms to perform predictions on data.

Learn the below listed algorithms, a small collection of available Python Machine Learning algorithms.

Gain a good understanding of how to plan a Machine Learning project. We create, experiment and run example code to implement the Python Machine Learning algorithms.

Course Topics
  • Supervised Machine Learning: Classification Algorithms: Classification Algorithms: Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine
    Regression Algorithms: Linear, Polynomial
  • Unsupervised Machine Learning: Clustering Algorithms: K-means clustering, Hierarchical Clustering
    Dimension Reduction Algorithms: Principal Component Analysis Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA)
    Association Algorithms: Apriori, Euclat
    Other machine learning Algorithms: Reinforcement learning Algorithms: Q-Learning
  • Ensemble Methods Algorithms: Stacking, bagging, boosting.
  • Random Forest Random Forest, Gradient Boosting
  • Neural Networks and Deep Leaning Algorithms: Convolutional Network (CNN)
  • Data Exploration and Preprocessing: The first part of a Machine Learning project understands the data and the problem at hand. Data cleaning, data transformation and data pre-processing are covered using Python functions to make data exploration and preprocessing relatively easy.
  • Injecting domain knowledge in the process, attributes are extracted from the data and engineered into Machine Learning algorithms.
What is included with Python Machine Learning
  • PCWorkshops Python Machine Learning Course Certificate on completion
  • Python Python Machine Learning Course Notes
  • Python Python Machine Learning Code Examples
  • Practical Python Python Machine Learning exercises and Python Machine Learning Code Samples
  • After the course: 1-Hour personalised online revision session
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