This course covers the Python Fundamentals to coding professionals.
It is ideal if you already code, and want to convert from a different language to Python.
Instead of learning at the pace of beginners to coding, Python syntax is covered.
This Python Programming Cross Over course is hands-on, practical.
Primitive types; Characters & Strings; Boolean; Working with variables and its scope; Type conversion and casting.
Introduction of operators; Arithmetic operators; Relational operators; Assignment operator; Logical operators; Increment and decrement operators; More in operators.
If statement; If - else statement; If- elif - else statement; Nested if - else;
The while, while-else; do-while and the for loop; Enhanced for loop; Jump statements: break, continue; Nesting loops.
Lists. Tuples. Dictionary. Using Built-in modules and functions. Pattern Matching. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles.
Creating and using Functions. Creating a Module in class; Calling a Module; Returning value from a Module; Adding a Method that takes parameters;
Creating a Class; Creating an Object; Using an Object; Adding Instance variables; Controlling accessibility; Naming conventions for class members. Class Constructors; Parameterized Constructors; Inheritance. Override.
Fundamentals of exception handling; Exception types; Using try and except. Files, streams: Create, Open, Traverse and Read Files: Csv, txt and Json Files.
Connect to a database, create Database, drop a database, create a table, alter tables, drop a table, insert, delete, update records, query a database and display results.
Connecting to API’s
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