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Selenium Testing Course

Selenium Testing Course summary

Duration: 1 Day
Who would find this course useful? This is useful if you have some coding skills already.
This course is fast paced, not quite basics level.

Selenium Testing Course description

Introduction to Selenium WebDriver

What is Selenium and how to use it in industry
Characteristics of Selenium
Overview of Selenium IDE
Installation of Selenium
WebDriver Architecture

Automation Basics

Fundamentals of Test Automation
Automation Framework
Tools and Comparison with Selenium

Introduction to Selenium Grid and Selenium IDE

What is Selenium Grid
Introduction to Selenium IDE and its attributes
Different Control of Selenium IDE
How and When to use Selenium Grid
Configuring TestNG.xml to run tests on Grid

Core Java Refresher

Keywords and Syntax
Collections Overview and Array List
Variable, Operators and Control Flow
OOP Overview from Java Context
Exception Handling, File and DB Handling

WebDriver Basics

How to Execute tests in Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer
Web Element Commands and its Handling
WebDriver Timeout Method
Handling File uploads, Elements, Alerts, Pop-ups and Frames
Advanced User Interactions

Locating Techniques

Basic of HTML page, tags, attributes and visible texts
Simple WebDriver Program Demonstration
Importance of Attributes in locating Elements
Locators and Eight Locating Techniques
Creating Robust locators using CSS and XPath


Arranging Tests in 3-As Format
Various Annotation in Testing
Configuration of Annotations
Testing Configuration File
Attributes of Test
Parallel Test Execution Capability
Passing Parameter to Test
Report using Testing

Practical Project

Automate an eCommerce Application
Test Automation Requirements Description
How to Start Execution
Logging and Reporting
Test Data Management

Included in the Java Courses:
  • Java Course Certificate on completion
  • Java Course Manual
  • Practical Java Course exercises, Java Code Examples
  • After the course, 1-hour free online revision / questions session.
  • Max group size, online and in classroom, on this Java Course is 4.

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