Natural Language Processing Course
Course details
Natural Language Processing Course

    • 1-Day
    • Online, Instructor-led, Interactive, Practical
    • Natural Language Processing Basics Hands-on, Practical Course, Instructor-led Course.
      1 day
      In classroom at on request.

    • Locations

Natural Language Processing Course description
Overview of Natural Language Processing:

This course covers Natural Language Processing principles.

What You'll Learn:

What You'll Learn: ( Hands-On Learning )

Comprehensive Coverage: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced NLP concepts.

Tools and Libraries: NLTK, regex, Stanford NLP, TextBlob, and data cleaning techniques.

Entity Resolution: Techniques for identifying and merging different representations of the same entity.

Feature Extraction: Converting text into features for analysis.

Word Embedding: Understanding and implementing word embedding techniques.

Word2Vec and GloVe: Mastering these popular word embedding models.

Word Sense Disambiguation: Techniques to determine the meaning of words in context.

Speech Recognition: Basics of converting speech to text.

String Similarity: Methods for comparing the similarity between two strings.

Language Translation: Techniques for automatic translation between languages.

Computational Linguistics: Applying computational techniques to linguistic problems.

Classification Techniques: Using Random Forest, Naive Bayes, and XGBoost for text classification.

Deep Learning Classifications: Implementing classifications with TensorFlow (tf.keras).

Sentiment Analysis: Determining the sentiment of text data.

Clustering: K-means clustering techniques for text data.

Topic Modeling: Identifying topics within a corpus of text.

Model Evaluation: Understanding Bias vs. Variance to evaluate model performance.

What is included
  • PCWorkshops Course Certificate on completion
  • Natural Language Processing Course Notes
  • Natural Language Processing Code Examples
  • Practical Natural Language Processing Course exercises, Natural Language Processing Course Revision work
  • After the course: 1-Hour personalised online revision session optional, on request
Book the Natural Language Processing Course
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