MySQL Course Intermediate
mysql Course details
MySQL Course Intermediate.

Practical MySQL Course Intermediate, to leave you fully conversant with queries, DML and DDL statements.
Hands-on, Practical MySQL Course Intermediate.
PCWorkshops MySQL Course Intermediate Certificate.
Max 4 people per course, we keep it personalised.

Where is the MySQL Course Intermediate?
  • Online: Instructor-led.
  • Classroom: Request per email.
MySQL Course Intermediate Materials
  • mySQL Coding Examples
  • Manuals and Notes: In-depth reference materials
  • Exercises: Practical exercises
Payment for MYSQL Course Intermediate
  • Follow the booking link
  • Arrange for installments
Included with MySQL Course Intermediate:
  • MySQL Course Intermediate Certificate on completion.
  • MySQL Course Intermediate Manual.
  • Practical mySQL Course exercises, MySQL Course Intermediate Code Samples/ MySQL Course IntermediateRevision work.
  • After the MySQL Course Intermediate, 1 free session for questions.
  • Max group size, online and in classroom, on this MySQL Course Intermediate is 4.
MySQL Course Intermediate Details
MySQL Intermediate Course summary

  • DAY 1:
  • MySQL Course Intermediate is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). MySQL Course Intermediate is open-source software, under the terms of the GNU General Public License. MySQL is available for use free of charge and is also available under a variety of proprietary licenses. MySQL is owned by Oracle Corporation. In 2010, Oracle forked the open-source MySQL Course Intermediate project to create MariaDB. Interesting to know, its name combines "SQL", the abbreviation for Structured Query Language and "My", the name of co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter. In this MySQL Course Intermediate you will learn how to get valuable information, trends, summaries, statistics and insights from your company data using SQL.This course is ideal for managers and data analysts who need to get business intelligence from data.
  • Session 1: Database Concepts To assist with the MySQL aspects of the MySQL Course Intermediate, we also cover database basics. What is a database? Tables, rows and columns, Indexes, primary keys, unique constraints and foreign keys, Client-Server architecture, Supported data types, table types,. The Information_Schema
  • Session 2: Using the MySQL client MySQL Course Intermediate Getting started and Logging in, Selecting a database, Client commands, Entering and executing MySQL statements, Retrieving previous commands, Creating, editing and executing MySQL files, Redirecting output into a file, Command line execution of MySQL Scripts
  • Session 3: Basic MySQL SELECT statement The MySQL SELECT statement, Case sensitivity, Quotes, Statement terminator, Syntax conventions, The select clause, The FROM clause, Conditions and the WHERE clause, Boolean operators (AND and OR) and MySQL conditional operators. The ORDER BY clause, Column aliases, Arithmetic expressions, Null functions (“IS NULL,” “IS NOT NULL,” , "Isnull",“Coalesce”), Precedence of operators
  • Session 4: LIMIT / TOP, UNION Queries and MySQL AGGREGATE Functions The LIMIT and TOP clauses, Aggregate (Sum, Average, Maximum, Minimum, Count), Group By, Rollup with Group By, Having.
  • Session 5: Joins MySQL Cartesian products, MySQL Joins (Inner join, Left join, Right join, Full join) Table aliases, Natural joins, Multi-table joins. Union, Union All, Except/Minus, Simulating join with Intersect.

  • DAY 2:
  • Session 6: MySQL Subqueries, Nested Subqueries, Correlated and uncorrelated subqueries. Global and Local Temp Tables.
  • Session 7: MySQL Built-in Functions: Numeric Functions (ABS, SIGN, MOD, etc.) and String Functions (Locate, Left, Right, Concat, etc), DATE and TIME functions.
  • Session 8: MySQL Views (Create, alter and drop), Stored Procedures (Create, alter and drop, Input and Output parameters); Custom Functions (Create, alter and drop).

  • DAY 3:
  • Session 9: Managing Data Inserting rows, Replacing rows, Updating rows, Deleting rows, The truncate statement, The COMMIT and ROLLBACK commands, Savepoints, Implicit commits.
  • Session 10: MySQL Indexes (Create, alter and drop).
  • Session 11: Creating Databases and Tables (Create, alter and drop); Constraints (Add, alter and drop).
  • Session 12: Import data into MySQL and Export from MySQL. Exporting using MySQL, Importing using MySQL.
Book the MySQL Course Intermediate
About MySQL Course Intermediate
MySQL Course Intermediate
MySQL Course Intermediate
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MySQL Course Intermediate
MySQL Course Intermediate

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